I went and saw the movie last night with my good friends Melanie and Mandy. Had a blast! And went home with my stomach hurting from laughing so hard.
Anyway, abut the movie:
LOVED IT!! So here's my list:
* They finally got the kiss right on both sides. No more moaning and weird sounds! Jacob and Bellas kiss was how Edward and Bella's first kiss should have been.
*They finally got the make-up right on Edward and he FINALLY LOOKED GOOD!! The tent scene...YUM!
*Bella finally looked cute and she didn't annoy the heck out of me in this one. She smiled a lot more
*I liked Bella and Edwards relationship better. It was how I read it in the books.
*Great meadow scene
*Better music then New Moon although I still liked Twilights soundtrack better
*Great fight scene. (seriously, were those arms being flung into the air?)
*Their weren't as many cheesy lines. Their were still cheesy lines, just not as many.
*Loved the tent scene from both Jacob and Edward. Still can't get over how good Edward looked
* I haven't read Eclipse in a long time, but I don't think they added anything differently, maybe I'm wrong
*Why does Bella have to choose? She's definitely got the best of both worlds. I think its funny how the critics say theirs nothing about Bella that would make 2 guys completely in love with her. I think we all have our little fantasy (back when we were teenagers of course!) Of feeling awkward and plain and wishing we had 2 hot guys completely in love with us!
*Rosalie's make up was horrible! She looked weird
*I didn't like the new Victoria. She wasn't very scarey. She seemed more of a threat in New Moon. What?! She's afraid of the Cullens. C'mon! Be the villian.
*Jacob didn't seem as buff in this one (that's a HUGE downside!! Maybe I was just paying more attention to Edward in this one!)