I am: Mom, Daughter, Friend, Sister, Aunt
I think: About getting the rest of my yard in
I know: I need to eat better, but I don't!
I want: My kids to experience everything & have no regrets
I have: 3 high energy kids
I dislike: cancer.
I miss: My mom & my California friends
I fear: My kids dying too young
I feel: stressed out
I hear: silence ( 2 kids napping, one watching a movie downstairs, one at school!)
I smell: homemade fruit roll ups in my oven & I love good house smells (you know when you walk into someones house & it just smells weird? HATE THAT!)
I crave: ice cream, peanut butter, salt, chocolate or anything fried
I cry: When I don't get time to myself twice a day
I usually: shop when I receive emails about clearances
I search:for the perfect shoes for my kids
I wonder: if we will ever finish our yard
I regret: everything about high school
I love: my family
I care: about what other people think of me
I always: Want to be a good Mom.
I worry: BRACE YOURSELVES!: about my kids getting cancer or some weird illness that their is no cure for, my kids being kidnapped, being attacked by a dog, having no control of a bm situation & not being anywhere near a bathroom!
I am not: a morning person.
I remember: all the things I wish i could forget
I believe: In God and prayer.
I sing: can't
I don't always: tell David I am sorry (I hardly ever need to though)
I argue: Not very often. Pick your battles. I never win when its with David anyway!)
I write: on a blog.
I win: I usually give in. I hate confrontation
I lose: at any sport
I wish: for good health, a bigger car, and to finish my yard
I listen: to every kind of music
I am talented: In my kids eyes.
I can usually be found: at the park, online shopping, crashed on the couch, or taking my kids to their activities
I am scared: when David has school at nights and I'm alone with the kids late at night ( I swear theirs a rapist hiding in my basement!)
I need: A girls night out every so often. Its good to let loose.
I forget: everything if I don't write it down and look at my day planner
I am happy: in California and when David and I go out (3x a month)
Who I'd like to "Tag" : Charity, Melanie, & Paula