Thursday, September 18, 2008


I am: Mom, Daughter, Friend, Sister, Aunt

I think: About getting the rest of my yard in

I know: I need to eat better, but I don't!

I want: My kids to experience everything & have no regrets

I have: 3 high energy kids

I dislike: cancer.

I miss: My mom & my California friends

I fear: My kids dying too young

I feel: stressed out

I hear: silence ( 2 kids napping, one watching a movie downstairs, one at school!)

I smell: homemade fruit roll ups in my oven & I love good house smells (you know when you walk into someones house & it just smells weird? HATE THAT!)

I crave: ice cream, peanut butter, salt, chocolate or anything fried

I cry: When I don't get time to myself twice a day

I usually: shop when I receive emails about clearances

I search:for the perfect shoes for my kids

I wonder: if we will ever finish our yard

I regret: everything about high school

I love: my family

I care: about what other people think of me

I always: Want to be a good Mom.

I worry: BRACE YOURSELVES!: about my kids getting cancer or some weird illness that their is no cure for, my kids being kidnapped, being attacked by a dog, having no control of a bm situation & not being anywhere near a bathroom!

I am not: a morning person.

I remember: all the things I wish i could forget

I believe: In God and prayer.

I sing: can't

I don't always: tell David I am sorry (I hardly ever need to though)

I argue: Not very often. Pick your battles. I never win when its with David anyway!)

I write: on a blog.

I win: I usually give in. I hate confrontation

I lose: at any sport

I wish: for good health, a bigger car, and to finish my yard

I listen: to every kind of music

I am talented: In my kids eyes.

I can usually be found: at the park, online shopping, crashed on the couch, or taking my kids to their activities

I am scared: when David has school at nights and I'm alone with the kids late at night ( I swear theirs a rapist hiding in my basement!)

I need: A girls night out every so often. Its good to let loose.

I forget: everything if I don't write it down and look at my day planner

I am happy: in California and when David and I go out (3x a month)

Who I'd like to "Tag" : Charity, Melanie, & Paula


Shellee said...

Yay! Thanks. These are fun to read, as long as you don't get too many of them.

So whats new?

wileyfamilyof5 said...

Thanks Liz, that one realy made me think.

Mindy said...

Liz! I loved reading all this stuff about you. I had to comment because we have some of the same exact worries and fears. Sometimes I feel like I am the only one who thinks these things so it was good to know I'm not alone.

I am CONSTANTLY worried about my kids getting kidnapped and/or molested. Constantly. In fact, I'm even worried when they go to church because they're with other adults and I'm not around to protect them. And I'm worried about them dying early, too. Sometimes I swear Kobe has a brain tumor and is going to die, but nobody will take me seriously!

And one more thing. I am so scared to be alone at night, too. Jakob is out of town this week and it always freaks me out. I get like two hours of sleep at night because every little noise I have to get out of bed and go walk around the house to make sure no one is there to rape me or steal my children. We even have a house alarm, but I am sure that someone will get around that. I'm just so glad that we share so many of the same irrational fears.

Isn't is hard living with so much anxiety and stress? It's hard for me.

char said...

Liz, I miss your mom too and think of her often. Don't worry so much about these things. The spirit will prepare you. The greatest thing I've learned is that just because we are members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, does not make us exempt for adversity. But in the event of trials and challenges, the gospel provides us with the resources to deal with them. You learned this so young. I love you, Char

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