Sunday, September 6, 2009


Despite the drama of BYU first game, I dragged David to his own family reunion. He of course snuck out and drove back home(an hour away)so he could watch it. He refuses to watch a taped game. After the game was over he then watches the taped version. So this was my day yesterday: Take all 3 kids to the reunion, come home to find 3 screaming grown men yelling at the TV, my house is completely dark so Lee, my father in law can see the TV better, I have to listen to them scream and body slam each other, then the phone rings off the hook since Dave's buddies are calling him about the game...Finally the grand finale of BYU wining and I think I might get my husband back. Ummm no. He's on Cougar Board (a chat website where die hard, need to get a life Cougar fans chat about the game). Then he calls his brother to try and convince him to drive to the airport at 2am to welcome home the team (really?!) So now I'm getting ready for bed thinking maybe, just maybe I'll get him back, but no. He's turning on the TV so he can RE-WATCH THE GAME!!!!!!
So this is my life the next 3 months...


Shellee said...

FANATIC! or lunatic? Good luck with football season.

Shane, Rahndi, Levi and Olivia said...

I am just glad it was your house and not mine :)

squick said...

That made me laugh so hard Liz! I can picture it perfectly - oh wait, that is the same thing that goes on in my house.....

wileyfamilyof5 said...

Good luck to you. Glad it's you not me.:) Let me know next time we will sneak out to a movie. Tell him your obbsession with Edward doesn't even compare.

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